I’m setting myself a challenge!
As you might know, I’m launching this blog to share the experience and knowledge I acquired during my entire musical career (which I won’t limit to the last 10 years of being active in the metal scene as a professional singer). I am doing this because I want to help you become a better live singer!
If you haven’t checked my about page yet, you could find all the information about my career path as a singer and musician there!
What is this blog going to be about concretely?
This blog is meant for me to share my own vision and approach to what being a singer and a performer is. What I mean by performer is the concept of singing on stage and embodying the meaning of the songs. Singing well live is only half of the job for me. I believe having a powerful stage presence and expression is part of being a singer when it comes to live performances.
Furthermore, I want to share not only what I personally learnt throughout my artistic life, but also information and ideas collected from other sources as well as testimonies from other professional musicians.
Therefore, you can expect tips and advice about firstly, how to know, enjoy and develop your voice and secondly about the preparation to perform live or in a studio, for instance. I will also get into more mindset related topics such as handling stage fright, dealing with people’s opinion and growing your self-confidence. In addition, I will write a few articles pertaining to stage presence and outfits.
In summary, I’m going to write the essential kit for anyone who wants to launch his or her own live musical career and I’m going to do it through 15 articles in 15 weeks!

How will I personally benefit from taking that challenge up?
As much as I’m willing to help others through the quality of the content I hope to come up with, I also have personal motivations as to why I’m challenging myself.
- First of all, for the excitement. It’s highly exciting to start something new and to involve an audience in the process. In addition, it’s highly motivating to commit to something once you’ve told other people about it, especially when they can hold you accountable for doing what you said you would do!
- Secondly, it’s going to help me become even more organized. Adding a time-demanding activity which includes gathering my thoughts, documenting them, writing them down and correcting my English (as you might know, I’m French) will not be an easy task in my already very busy life.
Indeed, despite not currently having any live shows, I am not only handling a lot of things for my band VISIONS OF ATLANTIS but I am also managing my own production company in Lyon, France. And of course, I also need to make time to explore and continue to develop my creativity and artistic sense!
- Furthermore, this is going to help me develop my English writing skills, which can always be useful and interesting! (I’ve always loved studying foreign languages!)
- Doing this will make me learn even more about myself and my singing practice. As I said, most of the content I’m going to come up with will derive from my own experience but I would like to make my content as complete and valuable as possible, so I will search for other examples and pieces of information.
- To get your feedback early on and see how I could help you in the future, I’d like to invite you to share your feedback and questions in the comments of my upcoming articles, so I can get an idea of the issues that you are facing in your own artistic life. If you feel more comfortable writing to me in private, feel free to drop me an email here.
How am I going to do this?
I’ve already made a list of article topics that I could cover. Then I’m going to try to put myself in the shoes of a younger person who would like to become a singer or musician and try to imagine the questions and issues that person might be facing, in order to conceive a solution.
I’ll write down the lessons I’ve learnt from my own mistakes and failures. I’ll dig into my own story, remember my own difficulties and down times during which I wish I could have found some help.
This is starting in October 2020, so you can expect at least one article per week until the end of January 2021! I’ve chosen this time frame as I will be writing lyrics for our next record in January/February, so I might want to focus on that ;)!
And it will not end there! I have more topics I want to dive into, but sharing what could be the “essential kit” to any singer and live musician sounded like the right thing to start with!
Make sure you don’t miss any articles from this first challenge and subscribe to my newsletter now!
With love,
2 Responses
Looking forward to it! 😊
I’m so excited about it, can’t wait! Thank you Clemi!